Friday, March 12, 2010

March 2010-Monson Family News Update

Craig and Sandy
We just got back from a great trip to Texas. Chris and Lisa went on cruise so we
watched the kids. They are delightful, inquisitive and active. They came up with
hilarious comments. Here's a sample:

Since we wouldn't be there for Matthew and Alyssa's birthday we had
cake and ice cream to celebrate their birthdays. Everybody had to say something
nice about Matthew and Alyssa. We said that Matthew is very loving and kind; he
is a great helper and very smart. Matthew said, "I think that's right". There
have it--Matthew agrees with how great he is! Obviously he's gotten great
self-esteem from his parents.

I said some good things about Alyssa among them that she is "very fun-loving and
fearless. She isn't afraid to try new things". A few minutes later she said to
me, "Grandpa, I'm afraid of going in to a Lion or a Tiger cage!" OK, so I was
wrong. I should have said, "Alyssa is fearless and will try anything EXCEPT GET

Ryan and Doris

Parker was accepted at the University of Southern Virginia in Belle Grande, Virginia, He looks forward to the small town atmosphere and wants to study computer science. Riley is hoping to work for the Federal government as a census taker while he is recuperating at home. Mary Ann has a job through the life Skills program at school and is a teacher’s aide for other disabled students. She is in choir, job shadows and helps her Mom after school.

Conrad and Debbie

Kelly and Travis have expanded their SLC store to a larger building. They now have a “Kill House’, an “office complex’ where one person in a group is given a mission in the office Complex and the rest of the group are their enemies. Melissa is going to BYU Idaho. Lindsy’s daughter’s due date is 5-19. Conrad hopes she will arrive on his birthday, 5-8.

Mom & Dad

They have enjoyed a 2 week temple vacation. I took them to a Pearl of Great Price class the 2 Thursdays that they were off. Mary and Dee Jensen, their friends from Shanks Village in New York, came to visit them. Craig helped them move the computer into the main family room where it should be used more frequently.

Sean and Jana

Aubrey, Erica and Elise are all dancing in “Swan Lake’ produced ty the Creative Arts Academy. All they do is practice and rehearse. Elise went to the regional contest in the spelling bee. Aubrey presided (meaning she was the Student Body Officer present) over the Valentine’s Dance at Millcreek Junior High.

Kim and Cary

The trip to South Africa with Jordan and Tim was amazing. We are not surprised by that news. Stuart and Allie are in the second year of their graduate program. They will finish in May and then have interships (I could be wrong, Allie may be the only one finishing in May). Kim visited Cole and Christi in Ohio and found out that their streets aren’t plowed in winter. After playing b-ball with Grant, he told her, “Grandma, you suck at basketball.” Perhaps Grant could offer some b-ball tips. Teral and Eddie are moving into a house in Milwaukee, Teral excels at her nursing program at the Milwaukee Institute of Technology. Eden will have a tonsillectomy soon.

Karla & Norm

We are in the final six days before Ryan leaves for the MTC. He went snowboarding with Grandpa at Brighton and he is currently picking up friends from BYU-Idaho who will be staying at the house this weekend.
Trent helped him shop for clothes, Amelia took his pictures and Kristin will have a niece or nephew for him (actually, it is for Jason & Kristin) when he returns.