Sunday, August 1, 2010

Visit of Chris and Lisa's Family

Chris and Lisa visited us this week. We saw a lot and did a lot, but the comments made by kids during family get-togethers were most entertaining:

•Spencer’s Rules. Seven of the grandchildren were playing downstairs with me tearing up the basement. Spencer stood like a general on the battlefield and said, “Stop. Listen to me! These are the rules: 1. No hitting; 2. No jumping on the sofa; 3. No saying bathroom words”, etc. (I can’t remember them all…)

•Jaimee’s Love. Again, on the same night, I came down to the battlefield in the basement. It was strangely quiet as everyone was watching a video. There was Jaimee sitting on the sofa holding hands with Preston. She said, “Preston and I are in love”. Later she told us that she can’t marry Preston but has decided to marry another boy named Paul who is “so cute”.

•Matthew the Magnificent. Matthew and I have been playing various games such as Settlers, Stratego, Castle Risk and Monopoly. I make sure Matthew wins and then tell him how smart he is. He told me, “I win because I am the best. I have a great strategy. Do you want to know what it is?”

•Allysa and the Surprise. Allysa has told me several times that she wants me to make her a surprise when she gets back from her other Grandparent’s house. In fact, she has given me several “surprise ideas”.

Chris and Lisa's children at Silver Lake

A View from Antelope Island