Sunday, August 9, 2015

Parker Wedding St Louis Aug 2015

Hi All, 

Dad, Conrad, Craig, Karla and Sean went to St Louis for Parker's wedding. Before the wedding, we saw the famous St Louis arch.  It is an amazing story about how the arch was built.  We went out to dinner with Ryan at a lovely Italian restaurant. 

The next day, Dad conducted the sealing and did an excellent job.  The happy couple looked very happy.  Afterwards we ate lunch at Squires in St Louis.  The food was excellent and we enjoyed the company and toasts to the bride and groom.

Afterwards on the way to the reception, we stopped in to the Lincoln museum in Springfield.  We got there an hour before closing and the staff there were much putout that we wanted to go in, but they finally let us in.  Afterwards we saw the home and street where Lincoln lived when he lived in Springfield.  
The reception was held at a member’s home in Champaigne Illinois.  We enjoyed talking to Ryan, Doris, Riley and Rachel. 

On the way home that night we had a run-in with a loose tire.  Our vehicle was following a trailer.  After a loud explosion a wheel came flying off the trailer and hit our vehicle.  Conrad got us safely off the road.  After 2 hours we finally got towed to St Louis. 

Note below the picture of the trailer's axle.  You can see the axle becaue it doesn't have a tire on it.  It doesn't have a tire on it because the tire exploded off it and hit our vehicle.  

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Sibling Dinner Photo, June 2015

Hi All,

Below is a photo of our sibling dinner at Sean and Jana's last Sunday:

Old New Jersey Pictures March 2015

Hi All,

Sandy and I stopped in to see Tim Lund in Houston.  He is doing well, but Ann isn't feeling so well.  He showed me the following old New Jersey pictures: