Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So here is the quick family update.

Tim and Jordan are getting more serious about moving back to Utah. They have put their house up for sale. If they don't sell in the next few months they will take it off of the market and try again this spring. They really want their kids to be closer to the family and Jordan wants to start dancing again ( something that would be very difficult for her to do in Colorado since all of her connections are in Utah).

Cole and Kristi have finally settled in Henderson Nevada. Cole work for an Emergency Physicians group that staffs three hospitals in Las Vegas. They are renting a home for this first year so they can save for a big down payment on a house when they are ready to buy. The kids have already found friends. Ellis has started 2nd grade and Grant has started pre-school.

Teral and Eden have both started back to school. Eden is in preschool and this year the teacher is focusing very strongly on making him more independant. She will not carry him anywhere (like his teacher last year did) she insists that he put on his own back pack and jacket and that he eats what everyone eats for school lunch. Teral said he is taking these lessons very seriously. He does not want her to hold his hand or help him into his car seat. This is Teral's last semester at the community college. She plans on transferring to Marquette University in the winter to finish her bachelor's degree. Eddie has started back teachin at the alternative High School and coaching soccer.

Stu and Alli are in the "home stretch". This is Stu's last semester of classroom work. After that he does nothing but clinical rotations and then he will take his state boards in the spring. Alli is done with her classroom work and is doing clinical rotations until March and then she will take her state boards.

Cary and I are the same: I still run and he still works on the house.

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