Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Conrad and Debbie; Kim and Cary

We are really enjoying having Jadyn in our home (and of course her parents too). It has been 18 years since we have had a baby around and it is wonderful to see her grow and become more aware everyday. She has a delightful little laugh and is an even tempered baby who lets her mother sleep for long periods of time at night (usually).

Jace is working hard at school, doing well academically and getting jobs for graphic design that aren't typically given to students (real money paying jobs). Lindsey is at home and being a good mother. Debbie is at home being a good grandmother and I am going to work everyday missing the fun at home and looking forward to retirement in several years.

Tyler is doing well in Sacramento. His company is still prospering in hard times and his three little kids are wonderful. Debbie and I don't get to see them nearly often enough.

Kelly and Travis' business is plugging along. They continue to grow their base and maybe someday someone will come by and offer them millions of dollars for their business. Until that time, they are making things happen. Mindy is teaching part time and Liberty is nursing full time. Carter, Eli and Deacon are a cute threesome who play well together. Carter started kindergarten and reported to his grandfather that he has 27 friends at school

Brett is one of Travis and Kellys most trusted employee. He has a nice girlfriend and is moving towards getting back into school. Melissa is doing well at BYU-I and even has time to study.

That is all in a nutshell. Enjoyed seeing everyone in St. George and looking forward to a repeat?

Kim and Cary

I have come to realize that the older I get the smaller my world becomes. Everything I need to do other than work I can do in Bountiful so I just stay put. Occassionaly I will take the big leap and go to Salt Lake for something but I really avoid it. My travel desires are also very limited. I only want to go to Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Denver. My free time is spent running, biking and cooking. I have become a "recipe whore". I have to force myself not to look at cooking magazines or look at recipes on line. I have such an enormous collection of recipes and I cook them all. Lots of stuff gets stored in the freezer or given away. I have become a far cry from the woman who thought a good workout was 30 minutes on the treadmill and a good meal was making a call to Pizza Hut.

Cary has been spending more and more of his time with his parents. The older they get the less capable they are of caring for their properties and Cary's has generously stepped in and helped. He also had the blessing of seeing his grandson for the first time. His daughter Jamie had a baby this spring and suprised Cary a week ago by stopping by and introducing the baby to his grandfather. Cary was elated and hopes that this will be the beginning of a long relationship with his grandson. His daughter, Hailey who was Teral's friend in Junior High, is getting married in June. We are very happy for her. His oldest daugher Tehani, got her license to be an aestitician (sp?) and now is getting a license to be a personal trainer. I plan on being her first client. His son Adam, got laid off but has been very wise with his money and has managed to live on his own and keep up with a car payment while unemployed. It has given him more time to be with Cary which Cary has really enjoyed. We hope he finds work soon.

Tim and Jordan have decided to wait until the spring to put their house on the market. They would like to move back to Utah but Tim does not want to leave his company just before "busy season" (January-April). They have made some beautiful improvements to their home and I am sure it will be hard to leave but they want the children to be close to family and since Tim's is an entire ocean away they will have to settle for the Utah family. Jordan is still teaching Yoga and occassionally is asked by a local school to teach a dance class. She loves it and is hoping that her time is coming soon that she can get back to dancing full time. Bronwyn is 4 and is so delightful. She makes regular phone calls to me and we have "girlfriend talk". Julian is two and makes me laugh all the time. I took care of both kids this September for 2 days while Tim and Jordan went to a wedding. We had such a great time. We even had a food fight in the yard and I'll be danged if Julian didn't just annouce last week at breakfast as he was holding a pancake "hey guys let's throw this".

I am sure most of you know by now that Cole and Kristi have settled in Las Vegas and they are expecting baby #4!
Cole is working for an ER physician group that staffs 3 hospitals in Las Vegas. He really loves his job. Kristi has been very sick with this pregnancy. I even went there for 2 days to help with the kids and cook (of course that is what I am always doing) some meals to freeze. They have wonderful neighbors and a ward that have also volunteered to help with food and children duties.Ellis is in 2nd grade and has let me know that she has many "BFF's" (best friends forever). Grant is in preschool but he has made a lot of friends in the neighborhood and the ward. Hugh is 2 and just like to spend his time with his parents and siblings. He did tell his dad that he liked grandma Kim because she was fun. That was such an ego boost. I really feel like they made a great decision going to Las Vegas.

Teral and Eddie are doing well. Eddie is still teaching at the alternative High School. I am amazed at how resiliant he is teaching teenagers who all have probation officers, drug problems, multiple pregnancies and no support from home. I have never heard him complain about these kids. He just says " many of them were in the wrong place at the wrong time". He still coaches soccer after school which gives them a much needed financial boost because Teral is not working. She is in school full time and has been "ear marked" by one of her teachers to be one of the first students in a new program that graduate the student with an associate degree in bio-technology and provide them with all the prerequists to go to one of the big Universities in Milwaukee for a bachelor's degree in molecular biology. She has also been told to plan on being chosen as one of 15 students at her community college who will receive a grant this summer to do 8 weeks of medical research. Needless to say her orginal plan to go into nursing has been "shelved", much to my dismay, but she is having wonderful success in school. Eden has been "main streamed" into regular preschool. He is doing very well and acts more and more like a normal, almost 4 year-old- yells at his parents when he doesn't get what he wants and gives his grandma the best hugs in the world.

Stu and Alli are at the "home stretch". Alli will finish in March. She has accepted a full time job with Target when she graduates. Stu has got one more month of classroom work and then a semester of clinical rotations. He and Alli are actually assigned to the same hospital for clinical rotations in January.They will both take their state board exams May or June and then they will have officially entered the ranks of working adults. I am so proud of both of them.

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