Saturday, February 19, 2011

February Contribution

Karla's temporary seasonal employment with Extend Health ended the first week in January. I'm on the hunt for work again and I have had disappointments and an offer that I hope will work out for April. I know that anyone who works would love to have some months off and I have been able to tile and paint the bathrooms, spend a week at Snowbird, spend a week in Washington, D.C. to see Damon, drive with Kim to Las Vegas and see family more often,but your confidence wears down as you search for work, have interviews and no job offers. Hopefully, Mediconnect Global will still want me when we return from New Zealand.

We spent Valentine's Day with Mom and Dad. We had soup at the Olive Garden and then went to see a movie, 'The way Back', a true story about WWII POW's in the Siberian Gulag who walked 4,000 miles to freedom in India. Craig introduced me to the book, 'The Long Walk', that this movie is based on.

Ryan continues to resolve his health issues and do missionary work. He has a Feb. 26 baptism date for a young Korean man. Trent will by flying to L.A. to interview for an internship with KPMG on March 4. Kristin resigned from her employed with Morgan & Meredith, the public relations firm that she has worked for these past 3 years. It is challenging to fit in 40 hours of work and take care of Damon, who loves Kristin's attention. Jason will graduate in May from law school. Amelia is writing and editing for Wasatch Life and free lance writing for several other publications. Lily remembers her mother's words and when Amelia was frustrated by removing stickers, Lily told her, "We are big girls and we are patient." GJ i
s glad to work at the USPS hub in SLC. He is called in for any kind of facility or maintenance emergency.

Ryan as a Missionary

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