Friday, December 17, 2010

Cross Country Skiing, Dec 2010

Hi All,

We went cross country skiing in Kamas, Utah. Here are some pictures I thought you might enjoy

Monday, December 13, 2010

Article in Paterson Evening News, and Extract from Jesina Allred Journal Extract and Dec 2010

Hi All,

Remember New Jersey days in the Wykoff Ward? Remember Grandma Jesina Monson? Here's some things to bring back memories... Enjoy!



Sunday, November 21, 2010

Visit of Tim and Ann Lund--Nov2010

Hi All,

Tim and Ann Lund came to Salt Lake over the weekend and we had dinner with them on Saturday night. They are doing well. Unfortunately, Jono is not. He is on the list to get a heart transplant. Here are a few pictures of them:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Conrad and Debbie; Kim and Cary

We are really enjoying having Jadyn in our home (and of course her parents too). It has been 18 years since we have had a baby around and it is wonderful to see her grow and become more aware everyday. She has a delightful little laugh and is an even tempered baby who lets her mother sleep for long periods of time at night (usually).

Jace is working hard at school, doing well academically and getting jobs for graphic design that aren't typically given to students (real money paying jobs). Lindsey is at home and being a good mother. Debbie is at home being a good grandmother and I am going to work everyday missing the fun at home and looking forward to retirement in several years.

Tyler is doing well in Sacramento. His company is still prospering in hard times and his three little kids are wonderful. Debbie and I don't get to see them nearly often enough.

Kelly and Travis' business is plugging along. They continue to grow their base and maybe someday someone will come by and offer them millions of dollars for their business. Until that time, they are making things happen. Mindy is teaching part time and Liberty is nursing full time. Carter, Eli and Deacon are a cute threesome who play well together. Carter started kindergarten and reported to his grandfather that he has 27 friends at school

Brett is one of Travis and Kellys most trusted employee. He has a nice girlfriend and is moving towards getting back into school. Melissa is doing well at BYU-I and even has time to study.

That is all in a nutshell. Enjoyed seeing everyone in St. George and looking forward to a repeat?

Kim and Cary

I have come to realize that the older I get the smaller my world becomes. Everything I need to do other than work I can do in Bountiful so I just stay put. Occassionaly I will take the big leap and go to Salt Lake for something but I really avoid it. My travel desires are also very limited. I only want to go to Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Denver. My free time is spent running, biking and cooking. I have become a "recipe whore". I have to force myself not to look at cooking magazines or look at recipes on line. I have such an enormous collection of recipes and I cook them all. Lots of stuff gets stored in the freezer or given away. I have become a far cry from the woman who thought a good workout was 30 minutes on the treadmill and a good meal was making a call to Pizza Hut.

Cary has been spending more and more of his time with his parents. The older they get the less capable they are of caring for their properties and Cary's has generously stepped in and helped. He also had the blessing of seeing his grandson for the first time. His daughter Jamie had a baby this spring and suprised Cary a week ago by stopping by and introducing the baby to his grandfather. Cary was elated and hopes that this will be the beginning of a long relationship with his grandson. His daughter, Hailey who was Teral's friend in Junior High, is getting married in June. We are very happy for her. His oldest daugher Tehani, got her license to be an aestitician (sp?) and now is getting a license to be a personal trainer. I plan on being her first client. His son Adam, got laid off but has been very wise with his money and has managed to live on his own and keep up with a car payment while unemployed. It has given him more time to be with Cary which Cary has really enjoyed. We hope he finds work soon.

Tim and Jordan have decided to wait until the spring to put their house on the market. They would like to move back to Utah but Tim does not want to leave his company just before "busy season" (January-April). They have made some beautiful improvements to their home and I am sure it will be hard to leave but they want the children to be close to family and since Tim's is an entire ocean away they will have to settle for the Utah family. Jordan is still teaching Yoga and occassionally is asked by a local school to teach a dance class. She loves it and is hoping that her time is coming soon that she can get back to dancing full time. Bronwyn is 4 and is so delightful. She makes regular phone calls to me and we have "girlfriend talk". Julian is two and makes me laugh all the time. I took care of both kids this September for 2 days while Tim and Jordan went to a wedding. We had such a great time. We even had a food fight in the yard and I'll be danged if Julian didn't just annouce last week at breakfast as he was holding a pancake "hey guys let's throw this".

I am sure most of you know by now that Cole and Kristi have settled in Las Vegas and they are expecting baby #4!
Cole is working for an ER physician group that staffs 3 hospitals in Las Vegas. He really loves his job. Kristi has been very sick with this pregnancy. I even went there for 2 days to help with the kids and cook (of course that is what I am always doing) some meals to freeze. They have wonderful neighbors and a ward that have also volunteered to help with food and children duties.Ellis is in 2nd grade and has let me know that she has many "BFF's" (best friends forever). Grant is in preschool but he has made a lot of friends in the neighborhood and the ward. Hugh is 2 and just like to spend his time with his parents and siblings. He did tell his dad that he liked grandma Kim because she was fun. That was such an ego boost. I really feel like they made a great decision going to Las Vegas.

Teral and Eddie are doing well. Eddie is still teaching at the alternative High School. I am amazed at how resiliant he is teaching teenagers who all have probation officers, drug problems, multiple pregnancies and no support from home. I have never heard him complain about these kids. He just says " many of them were in the wrong place at the wrong time". He still coaches soccer after school which gives them a much needed financial boost because Teral is not working. She is in school full time and has been "ear marked" by one of her teachers to be one of the first students in a new program that graduate the student with an associate degree in bio-technology and provide them with all the prerequists to go to one of the big Universities in Milwaukee for a bachelor's degree in molecular biology. She has also been told to plan on being chosen as one of 15 students at her community college who will receive a grant this summer to do 8 weeks of medical research. Needless to say her orginal plan to go into nursing has been "shelved", much to my dismay, but she is having wonderful success in school. Eden has been "main streamed" into regular preschool. He is doing very well and acts more and more like a normal, almost 4 year-old- yells at his parents when he doesn't get what he wants and gives his grandma the best hugs in the world.

Stu and Alli are at the "home stretch". Alli will finish in March. She has accepted a full time job with Target when she graduates. Stu has got one more month of classroom work and then a semester of clinical rotations. He and Alli are actually assigned to the same hospital for clinical rotations in January.They will both take their state board exams May or June and then they will have officially entered the ranks of working adults. I am so proud of both of them.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

September October 2010 Events

Dad and Mom:

As per our agreement at the recent Family Reunion, we are to send our Mon Sun contributions to Craig every other month beginning this past October. Deadline is the l0th of the following month.

Highlight of the month, of course, was the reunion in St. George over the UEA vacation. It’s such a delight for Mother and me when we can have the whole family together. We always knew we had a great family; this adventure proved it again. The accommodations were excellent. The food was always tasty. And the biking/ hiking/ swimming/ golf seemed to satisfy everyone’s recreational needs. The Tuacahn (sp?) experience was a highlight. Overall, I thought Craig did a lousy job on this reunion.

Some of the things we decided at the reunion were to 1) Revive the Mon Sun on an every-other-month basis. We are to send our contributions to Craig who will collate them and send the finished product to all of us via e-mail. 2) We determined our Family Reunion next year will be a one-day affair (Saturday) and include all the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It will be in a park with a bowery and places to play football, softball, tennis, Frisbee football with possibly swimming and bowling accommodations near by. Sleeping quarters will be in homes with tents in backyards for possible overflow. Karla agreed to be point guard to spearhead this operation. 3) The St. George/Tuacahn experience was so much fun it was tentatively proposed we make it an annual affair. More on that as we move closer to Summer.

As I reviewed the October calendar I noted that between Mother and me we had seven doctor appointments. That’s scary! We also had a Samarus reunion the Friday before Conference. That is our Canadian mission group and we have been meeting for 55 years now. We used to fill a chapel - now we fit into the Relief Society room. This year Mother and I met the son of Ken and Millie Smith from London, Ontario. Those many years ago the Smith’s were taking the discussions from Mother and her companion. Their son is now the president of the stake.

Two things must be included in this newsletter even though they didn’t happen in October. The first is Riley and Rachel’s wedding last August. They were married in the Mesa temple followed by a luncheon. The best part was after everyone ate they moved the tables so people could dance. And dance they did! Especially Ryan and Doris, Rachel and Riley and then Doris with her two boys. The next morning we drove to Flagstaff for an evening reception. Again, excellent refreshments and again, dancing. This time Ryan, Doris and Riley’s dance teacher came and danced with everyone including Karla and Rachel and other young ladies. You would have been awed how smoothly and gracefully he helped everyone move across the floor.

Side note. Originally Karla and Norm and Mother and I were to drive to Arizona with Sandy and Craig. Unfortunately, the morning we were to leave Sandy had a bike accident and fractured her pelvis. Norm and Karla kindly stepped in and drove us down. And, fortunately, Sandy is almost fully recovered from her accident.

The other non-October event that sincerely touched my heart was the family’s response to my having to undergo cancer treatment again. Your prayers were felt. A priesthood blessing was answered. Food, phone calls, letters - they all meant so much to me. More than you’ll ever know. The Lord has granted me a reprieve - for how long, who knows? - but for now I feel great and have a renewed appreciation of the gift of life and what a blessing the Restored Gospel and our family has been in my life. I feel so close to each of you and thank you for your loving concern.

Norm and Karla:

Ryan-Everything is beautiful. Ryan is serving in the Bellevue Washington area, close to the temple. The ward is active in missionary work. Ryan wrote about this event with the members:

On Halloween night we went over to a part member family home for dinner. When we got out of the car to walk to their house there were some trick or treaters walking by and they said, "hey are you Mormon missionaries for Halloween?" and we were like, "no, we are Mormons in real life." it was pretty funny. We had a good Halloween night. We had dinner then got carmel apples and dipped them in crushed up oreos and peanuts and other good things. We are really good friends with this family and we had a great night. I really learned the value of good friendship with the members from Elder Bundy. That's how he did most of his missionary work was just by making really good friends with the members and then waiting for referrals through them. I learned a lot from him and i hope i an apply it in my missionary work.

Trent-The requirements of the accounting major at the Marriott School of management leaves Trent with enough time to eat, sleep and brush his teeth. He came to Karla's Sunday School class while I was teaching Isaiah and looked over my notes. I was hoping he could tell me a way to improve my presentation by using some advanced accounting principle. Well, accounting and Isaiah don't mix. We would like Trent to tell us how to get a larger tax return this year.

Kristin & Jason-They balance marriage, parenting, school (Jason) and working at home (Kristin). Kristin says it's challenging to work at home because you don't leave your work. The computer is always lurking close by, reminding you of a project to do. Jason will travel to Maryland this weekend to be a coach for Georgetown's Moot Court team. Damon coos, poops, eats and wants to have his parent's attention. We can hardly wait to have them in South Jordan for Christmas.

Amelia & GJ-Good news for them, GJ will be working at the large UPS facility in Salt Lake after Thanksgiving. The separation hasn't been easy for either of them. GJ wants to be with his family and Amelia and Lily want him home. We attended the Wild West Show for the Cowboy Poetry Gathering at the Events Arena in Hebewith Amelia and Lily. Lily liked looking at horses, but 90 minutes of horses was too much. Norm came to the rescue with a Sesame Street clip on his phone. Lily was content.

Norm & Karla-Norm is now the High Priest Group Leader. He has even more license to sleep, which he did during the last Welfare Meeting. To be sympathetic, he was at a Stake Leadership meeting that morning. Ask him about the cub scout, Boy Scout, Military and High Priest salute. I am a seasonal, full time customer Service Representative at Extend Health, a Medicare Insurance Exchange. I asked one retiree to read me the claim number from his Medicare Card. He read me the number then continued on to the next category, which was Sex, F or M. He said, "Sex, seldom." I tried hard not to laugh and responded, "It happens as you grow older." Any comments or opinions on that?

Craig and Sandy:

We had a fun family Halloween party. As you can see, we dressed up in costumes and had Halloween food--"Graveyard Greens"(Salad), "Dracula Fingers"(Carrots),etc. We played Halloween Bingo, Throw the Spider in the Pumpkin, Bobbing for Apples and sang along with Kaelynn as she played some Halloween songs and others on her guitar. Everyone had a good time.

We also took Jaimee and Brandon to the zoo. Jaimee said it is unfair that mountains get more water than deserts. We also learned from Jaimee that the reason some animals can live in the desert is because of "Friction". That is where they get water. So now you now.

Here are some pictures:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Saint George Reunion, September 2010

Hi all,

We had a lovely family reunion in St. George this past week. We arrived Thursday and had a delicious dinner of steak and chicken followed by talking and games. The next morning we ate breakfast together and then went biking/hiking up Snow Canyon. Some then went swimming and shopping while others went golfing. That evening we ate dinner at Tuacon and then watched the production of Tarzan. Everybody enjoyed the play. We went home the next morning.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Well, I got religion and decided to start posting. This is actually the first time I have ever posted to a blog (that I know of) so this is an event

Melissa is now safely deposited in Idaho. She has a good roommate, seems to be adjusting to college. It was hard seeing the last one go. I didnt think it would be an issue but it was.

Jadyn is cute 4 month old. She is attached to her mom, especially when grandpa picks her up. I get about 3 minutes without tears, less if she happens to see her mom walk by.

Jace and Lindsey are doing well. Jace is excelling at school and the jobs he has received through school (he is provided work opportunities that students are usually given).

Kelly and Travis' airsoft business is doing well in troubled times. They moved to a nicer location in Orem and have already seen an increase in business. Brett is one of their best employees. He is anxious to get into school and believes he will be in a position to do so pretty soon. Tyler and Elizabeth and kids are doing well - even though Tyler's company sells construction software, they are doing OK. Tyler is traveling a lot. We dont get to see them enough but they are surrounded by good family and friends in Sacramento.

Nothing else new to report. We have enjoyed some family visits this summer and look forward to the St. George trip.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Kaelynn's Mission Return, September 8, 2010

Kaelynn returned home! She looks great, she had a wonderful experience and is ready to move on. We had a lovely dinner with many family members that night. Also, Andrea and Chris called her. Thanks to everyone for making it a great day. First day back started well--we started the day with a three mile run and then scripture study.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So here is the quick family update.

Tim and Jordan are getting more serious about moving back to Utah. They have put their house up for sale. If they don't sell in the next few months they will take it off of the market and try again this spring. They really want their kids to be closer to the family and Jordan wants to start dancing again ( something that would be very difficult for her to do in Colorado since all of her connections are in Utah).

Cole and Kristi have finally settled in Henderson Nevada. Cole work for an Emergency Physicians group that staffs three hospitals in Las Vegas. They are renting a home for this first year so they can save for a big down payment on a house when they are ready to buy. The kids have already found friends. Ellis has started 2nd grade and Grant has started pre-school.

Teral and Eden have both started back to school. Eden is in preschool and this year the teacher is focusing very strongly on making him more independant. She will not carry him anywhere (like his teacher last year did) she insists that he put on his own back pack and jacket and that he eats what everyone eats for school lunch. Teral said he is taking these lessons very seriously. He does not want her to hold his hand or help him into his car seat. This is Teral's last semester at the community college. She plans on transferring to Marquette University in the winter to finish her bachelor's degree. Eddie has started back teachin at the alternative High School and coaching soccer.

Stu and Alli are in the "home stretch". This is Stu's last semester of classroom work. After that he does nothing but clinical rotations and then he will take his state boards in the spring. Alli is done with her classroom work and is doing clinical rotations until March and then she will take her state boards.

Cary and I are the same: I still run and he still works on the house.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hi everyone- I finally figured out how to get on the family blog. Karla, Norm, Craig and I are headed off to doughnut falls for a hike so I will write an update when I get back.

Hi, this is Craig. Here are a couple of pictures:

Hi Folks,

Here's a picture of Ryan. I'm here with my scum brother Craig. My how I hate his stinking guts!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Family Dinner--30 August 2010

Hi All,

We had a good family dinner August 30. It was fun to see Conrad and Debbie as well as Mindi and her boys.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Visit of Chris and Lisa's Family

Chris and Lisa visited us this week. We saw a lot and did a lot, but the comments made by kids during family get-togethers were most entertaining:

•Spencer’s Rules. Seven of the grandchildren were playing downstairs with me tearing up the basement. Spencer stood like a general on the battlefield and said, “Stop. Listen to me! These are the rules: 1. No hitting; 2. No jumping on the sofa; 3. No saying bathroom words”, etc. (I can’t remember them all…)

•Jaimee’s Love. Again, on the same night, I came down to the battlefield in the basement. It was strangely quiet as everyone was watching a video. There was Jaimee sitting on the sofa holding hands with Preston. She said, “Preston and I are in love”. Later she told us that she can’t marry Preston but has decided to marry another boy named Paul who is “so cute”.

•Matthew the Magnificent. Matthew and I have been playing various games such as Settlers, Stratego, Castle Risk and Monopoly. I make sure Matthew wins and then tell him how smart he is. He told me, “I win because I am the best. I have a great strategy. Do you want to know what it is?”

•Allysa and the Surprise. Allysa has told me several times that she wants me to make her a surprise when she gets back from her other Grandparent’s house. In fact, she has given me several “surprise ideas”.

Chris and Lisa's children at Silver Lake

A View from Antelope Island

Friday, July 16, 2010

July 2010

The big news is the arrival of Lauryn. Beth had the baby Monday afternoon. She and the baby are well. Spencer and Preston stayed with us Monday and Tuesday and they were sure fun. On Tuesday, Jaimee Joy and Brandon came over. The four of them were a riot.

One time Jaimee Joy said, “Boys lets play pet show and tell”. The boys looked at her like she was crazy and Preston said, “Let’s fight!”

Sunday, June 20, 2010

20 June 2010

CONGRATULATIONS TO KIM, STUART AND AMELIA ON COMPLETING THE RAGNAR RACE!!!! This is a very difficult race where the team starts in Hyrum Utah and ends up in Park City Utah. They take turns running 7 mile legs throughout the day and night, so it's a tough one.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Craig and Sandy's Alaska Trip, May 2010

Grizzly Bears in Denali

We left early Monday morning, May 17, 2010. We flew to Denver, then Seattle, then Anchorage Alaska. We were met by Robin and Richard and then went to our hotel in Anchorage. The layovers were productive because I finished writing a draft of my report for DFCM. I also worked on a presentation I’m making in June for the Utah Government Auditors Association.

The next day we drove to Alaska and checked into our beautiful cabin. The landlords were very gracious and the place was nestled in woods with a beautiful stream running through it.

That afternoon we went on a flightseeing trip to Mount McKinley. The mountains were awe inspiring and being in a floatplane was a fun experience.
The following day we went to Denali National Park. The highlight of the trip was seeing two grizzly bears. These grizzly bears were huge. You don’t get a feeling for how big they were looking at our picture, but when we looked at them through our binoculars, they were immense. We also saw Dahl’s sheep, but to see them you’ve got to blow up the picture a lot. We also saw Caribou.

The next day we went to the Matanuska Valley to see the Matanuska Glacier. It was interesting though a bit pricey to see; we also went to a reindeer farm where we petted and fed some reindeer.

The next day we drove to Seward, stopping along the way to sightsee. One of the sites was the Exit Glacier which was a very interesting place to see. The Glacier has been receding for a long time and they marked it’s location during various time periods.

This morning we went sea kayaking in Resurrection Bay. It was a great trip. We saw sea lions sunning themselves as well as dolphins. We are really enjoying this trip. There are some amazing things to see and do.

We then boarded the boat and began our voyage. Our cabin was great as was the food and service.

The first day we cruised at sea. Sandy and I went to a cooking demonstration where the cook, from Seattle, presented a demonstration on cooking cold pea soup and salmon which was delicious. That evening they had a show with some great singing.

The next day we went to Glacier Bay. The cruise ship went into the bay and we saw this amazing glacier. Some parts of the glacier fell off and we got some good pictures. Glacier Bay is a pristine wilderness area, accessible only by plane or boat.

The next day we stopped in Haines Alaska. We rode bikes to a beautiful stream and lake, mainly seeing Eagles along the way. The bald eagle is a stately, beautiful bird. When they are sitting in a tree they look like royalty.

The next day we docked in Juneau Alaska and saw some spectacular sights. We went on a whale watching tour. We saw Orca and Humpback whales. It was amazing. I got a movie of a humpback whale diving into the water and another picture of a humpback whale with its mouth open.

The following day we were in Ketchican. We walked through the town, went through a museum and walked to a city park. That afternoon we went on the “Duck” which is a bus taking you around the city and converts into a boat. It was fun.

The following day we were at sea going to Vancouver. We got some wonderful pictures of sunset and I had a neat experience where I saw a school of porpoises leaping and diving near the boat.

All in all we had a wonderful time. All our schedules were met and the weather was gorgeous every day except the day we flew home. We enjoyed being with Robin and Richard. I feel we were greatly blessed on this trip.

Our "Rustic Cabin's" Kitchen

McKinley Mountain Range

Mount McKinley

Instrument panel showing "Terrain Ahead"

Glacier Bay

Sea Kayaking in Resurrection Bay

Us in Glacier Bay

Biking in Haines

Sea Lion eating a fish

Open mouth of a Humpback whale

Group of Orca or "Killer Whales"

A full body shot of an Orca whale

Humpback Whale diving

Sea Lions in Resurrection Bay

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monson Family News Update April-March 2010

Monson News Update April & May 2010

This is late. Our account was wiped. My new e-mail address is Any monthly contributions sent via e-mail are greatly appreciated. Ryan sent me everyone’s e-mail address, unfortunately, his contribution was wiped out when was wiped out.

Ryan & Doris

Riley will be working this summer before returning to BYU. Parker will be graduating from Flagstaff High and going to Southern Virginia University and Mary may be moving out on her own like her brothers. Doris and Ryan will have the house to themselves.

Sean & Jana

Another recital was successfully accomplished this weekend. Aubree, Erica and Elise dance in the contemporary dance showcase. Erica led the 3-4 year olds in a cowgirl dance and was one of the nightmare performers. Elise in the Magic dance and the Living Doll dance. She has great expression and dramatic flair. Aubree danced in several numbers as well, including music to Fame, a great dance music piece. I don’t know how Jana and Sean keep up the high level of performance with Creative Arts.

Kim and Cary

Teral and Eddie are living in a 4 bedroom house for less rent than their apartment. Cole & Kristi will finish their residency this month and be moving to Henderson, Nevada. Jordan may be flying to Ohio for these events. Stuart will be defending his disseration at the U of U and Allie should be finished with classes soon and beginning internships. Kim,Cary & some of the Walkowski family are on a cruise at the moment.

Craig & Sandy, Mom & Dad

Six of us, Mom & Dad, Craig & Sandy and Norm and I went to a Passover Feast given by Victor Ludlow at BYU. Dad was the oldest male in the entire room of 120 + people and was the reigning patriarch at our table. We passed around the ‘afikonan’ cracker and Dad had to bargain to get it back from Sandy. Her condition, Dad has to wash the lettuce in the salads 3 times before serving it for the rest of Sandy’s lifetime.

Craig, Mom and Dad drove to Denver to visit Conrad & Debbie. They talked, played tennis with Tim,etc.

Conrad & Debbie

Lindsay will graduate from BYU-ID and will go up in July for the ceremony. Jayden will be born this month. Conrad hoped it would be on his birthday. Melissa gradutes Msy 25 from Smokey Hills High School and will be sttending BYU-ID. She is working by cleaning the mission home. The Weapons Blender arenas and stores continue to prosper in Salt Lake and Orem. Tyler continues to work with his brother-in –law.

Karla & Norm

Ryan and his companion from South Carolina had 2 baptisms this Saturday. Trent finished Winter Semester and is working at the Bookstore. Jason will finish finals Thursday and will leave for his associateship in Newport Beach shortly thereafter. Kristin will go with him for a week and return home to her job in Virginia. GJ continues to work in ST. George Monday thru Friday and Amelia continues to work for the Deseret News and other publications.Norm spent the last week in the Salt Palace promoting BYU’s book machine for the National Geneological Conference and I continue to love my short communte.

Monson Family News Update April-March 2010

Monson News Update April & May 2010

This is late. Our account was wiped. My new e-mail address is Any monthly contributions sent via e-mail are greatly appreciated. Ryan sent me everyone’s e-mail address, unfortunately, his contribution was wiped out when was wiped out.

Ryan & Doris

Riley will be working this summer before returning to BYU. Parker will be graduating from Flagstaff High and going to Southern Virginia University and Mary may be moving out on her own like her brothers. Doris and Ryan will have the house to themselves.

Sean & Jana

Another recital was successfully accomplished this weekend. Aubree, Erica and Elise dance in the contemporary dance showcase. Erica led the 3-4 year olds in a cowgirl dance and was one of the nightmare performers. Elise in the Magic dance and the Living Doll dance. She has great expression and dramatic flair. Aubree danced in several numbers as well, including music to Fame, a great dance music piece. I don’t know how Jana and Sean keep up the high level of performance with Creative Arts.

Kim and Cary

Teral and Eddie are living in a 4 bedroom house for less rent than their apartment. Cole & Kristi will finish their residency this month and be moving to Henderson, Nevada. Jordan may be flying to Ohio for these events. Stuart will be defending his disseration at the U of U and Allie should be finished with classes soon and beginning internships. Kim,Cary & some of the Walkowski family are on a cruise at the moment.

Craig & Sandy, Mom & Dad

Six of us, Mom & Dad, Craig & Sandy and Norm and I went to a Passover Feast given by Victor Ludlow at BYU. Dad was the oldest male in the entire room of 120 + people and was the reigning patriarch at our table. We passed around the ‘afikonan’ cracker and Dad had to bargain to get it back from Sandy. Her condition, Dad has to wash the lettuce in the salads 3 times before serving it for the rest of Sandy’s lifetime.

Craig, Mom and Dad drove to Denver to visit Conrad & Debbie. They talked, played tennis with Tim,etc.

Conrad & Debbie

Lindsay will graduate from BYU-ID and will go up in July for the ceremony. Jayden will be born this month. Conrad hoped it would be on his birthday. Melissa gradutes Msy 25 from Smokey Hills High School and will be sttending BYU-ID. She is working by cleaning the mission home. The Weapons Blender arenas and stores continue to prosper in Salt Lake and Orem. Tyler continues to work with his brother-in –law.

Karla & Norm

Ryan and his companion from South Carolina had 2 baptisms this Saturday. Trent finished Winter Semester and is working at the Bookstore. Jason will finish finals Thursday and will leave for his associateship in Newport Beach shortly thereafter. Kristin will go with him for a week and return home to her job in Virginia. GJ continues to work in ST. George Monday thru Friday and Amelia continues to work for the Deseret News and other publications.Norm spent the last week in the Salt Palace promoting BYU’s book machine for the National Geneological Conference and I continue to love my short communte.

Monday, April 26, 2010

24 April 2010

Hi Everyone,

Mom and I just got back from a trip to visit Conrad and Debbie. We like Conrad and Debbie but hated our stinking chaufer, Craig


Mom and Dad

Friday, March 12, 2010

March 2010-Monson Family News Update

Craig and Sandy
We just got back from a great trip to Texas. Chris and Lisa went on cruise so we
watched the kids. They are delightful, inquisitive and active. They came up with
hilarious comments. Here's a sample:

Since we wouldn't be there for Matthew and Alyssa's birthday we had
cake and ice cream to celebrate their birthdays. Everybody had to say something
nice about Matthew and Alyssa. We said that Matthew is very loving and kind; he
is a great helper and very smart. Matthew said, "I think that's right". There
have it--Matthew agrees with how great he is! Obviously he's gotten great
self-esteem from his parents.

I said some good things about Alyssa among them that she is "very fun-loving and
fearless. She isn't afraid to try new things". A few minutes later she said to
me, "Grandpa, I'm afraid of going in to a Lion or a Tiger cage!" OK, so I was
wrong. I should have said, "Alyssa is fearless and will try anything EXCEPT GET

Ryan and Doris

Parker was accepted at the University of Southern Virginia in Belle Grande, Virginia, He looks forward to the small town atmosphere and wants to study computer science. Riley is hoping to work for the Federal government as a census taker while he is recuperating at home. Mary Ann has a job through the life Skills program at school and is a teacher’s aide for other disabled students. She is in choir, job shadows and helps her Mom after school.

Conrad and Debbie

Kelly and Travis have expanded their SLC store to a larger building. They now have a “Kill House’, an “office complex’ where one person in a group is given a mission in the office Complex and the rest of the group are their enemies. Melissa is going to BYU Idaho. Lindsy’s daughter’s due date is 5-19. Conrad hopes she will arrive on his birthday, 5-8.

Mom & Dad

They have enjoyed a 2 week temple vacation. I took them to a Pearl of Great Price class the 2 Thursdays that they were off. Mary and Dee Jensen, their friends from Shanks Village in New York, came to visit them. Craig helped them move the computer into the main family room where it should be used more frequently.

Sean and Jana

Aubrey, Erica and Elise are all dancing in “Swan Lake’ produced ty the Creative Arts Academy. All they do is practice and rehearse. Elise went to the regional contest in the spelling bee. Aubrey presided (meaning she was the Student Body Officer present) over the Valentine’s Dance at Millcreek Junior High.

Kim and Cary

The trip to South Africa with Jordan and Tim was amazing. We are not surprised by that news. Stuart and Allie are in the second year of their graduate program. They will finish in May and then have interships (I could be wrong, Allie may be the only one finishing in May). Kim visited Cole and Christi in Ohio and found out that their streets aren’t plowed in winter. After playing b-ball with Grant, he told her, “Grandma, you suck at basketball.” Perhaps Grant could offer some b-ball tips. Teral and Eddie are moving into a house in Milwaukee, Teral excels at her nursing program at the Milwaukee Institute of Technology. Eden will have a tonsillectomy soon.

Karla & Norm

We are in the final six days before Ryan leaves for the MTC. He went snowboarding with Grandpa at Brighton and he is currently picking up friends from BYU-Idaho who will be staying at the house this weekend.
Trent helped him shop for clothes, Amelia took his pictures and Kristin will have a niece or nephew for him (actually, it is for Jason & Kristin) when he returns.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dear Family:

I am beginning a news update for our family. A shorter version of the 20 year old, but now defunct MONSUN. I am hoping that you will e-mail me every Fast Sunday a with 3 lines or more that I can paste into a document to post the the MONSON NEWS UPDATE. I will also call you for information, but I would prefer your own words in an e-mail. Here is the first update:


Mackie & Kui
Kiona turned 12 in January and he was ordained at Mom and Dad's on Fast Sunday. Mackie continues to work in Social Health at the Fort Defiance Hospital in Arizona. Kui continues to teach piano. All the 3 older children play the piano. Kiona has also played the violin for 3 years. Kawai started playing the cello last year. Mackie, who is a lieutenant colonel in his administrative rank at the hospital may be assigned by the military to go to Haiti for 2 weeks.

Craig & Sandy
Craig is interviewing at LDS business College to teach a class on performance audits for business majors. Sandy is overworked at Salt Lake Regional Medical Center as a medical technologist. Sandy, Craig, karla Y Norm went cross-country skiing in Kamus, Utah this past week and we had a glorious, sunlit afternoon. Chase that smog away!

Sean & Jana
Elise won her school spelling bee and is going on the District competition. The Weber State Dance Company danced with the classes at Creative Arts Academy this month. The 3 maids of creative dance, Elise, Erica & Aubrey, will perform in the Academy's production of Swan Lake at Bountiful High in March. Sean says that he ia a skooch (infinitesemial amount) away from being more excited about this ballet than about a football game.

Ryan & Doris-
Ryan broke his arm flipping over his handle bars while riding his bike. Unsolicited advice from the editor: Ryan, maybe you shouldn't ride your bike during one of the heaviest snow accumlations for Flagstaff in years. Riley came home from his mission during one of the worst snowstorms of the year. He was the last flight before the airport closed. After the snow, the rain came, then a mudslide close to Phoenix. Riley, Doris and Ryan couldn't get home for 2 days.

Norm & Karla
Continuing on with the snowstorm, from the eastern United States, the storms closed down church on Sunday and work and school on Monday and Tuesday for Jason and Kristin. They are getting cabin fever and they are thinking about Aug. 22 (Hope I got the date right), when their first baby arrives. Yeah and Congrats! Amelia spent 2 weeks covering the Sundance Film Festival, Trent is interviewing for a summer internship with a company and Ryan is preparing to leave on his mission. Norm and Karla have nothing to say because this month because the kids are more interesting.

Mom & Dad
Mom had a sharing time assignment to tell about the Haitian members they knew on their missions. Dad has skiied this month with Bill Bassett and yesterday, 2/9/10, Mom drove with Dad to Alta, met Bill's wife Helen and chatted in the lodge and played RummiKub while the old dudes skiied. Cheers for sports & social events with friends from New Jersey.

Conrad & Debbie
Work is fine for Conrad. Debbie got a sassy haircut. Melissa is in her second All State Choir, the only girl at high school who has been invited to join 2 years in a row. I'm booking Melissa now to sing solo at some family event, I'll leave the date open pending further notice. Lyndsey (I think I misspelled that, please correct in your next e-mail Conrad) has a maternal glow and Jace (this could also be misspelled, Conrad, send me corrections) is studying graphic design at the Art Institute of Denver. Kelly, Travis and Brett are working on opening a 11,00 sq. foot shooting arena, with a store in front, in Salt Lake. They also have a pistol range in Orem. Tyler travels and consults with his work. Debbie and Conrad have the best callings in the world, family history consultants. They don't do anything. (quote from Conrad)

Kim & Cary-
Kim seems to travel more than she works according to Sean. She came home from South Africa with Jordan & Tim for 2 weeks of working and is flying out to Ohio tomorrow to visit Cole and Kristi. She is the "Bon voyage" woman.

Ryan's Missionary Farewell will be a 9 AM (no groaning please, we know it's early) on Sunday, March 14th. You are all invited to stay for lunch afterwards.
Family Reunion-Craig has scheduled Oct. 14,15 and 16. More details to come from Craig.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dinner with Mackey and Kui Feb 7 2010

We had a lovely time eating and catching-up on what Mackie and Kui are doing. Here's a picture of the group.