Monday, November 14, 2011

Grandma Joy's Birthday, November 2011

Hi All,

We had a lovely birthday dinner for Grandma Joy on Sunday. By the way, don't you think Dad looks like he's been reprimanded and is pouting?

Love to all

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Video of 60th Wedding Anniversary May 2011

Actual Ancient Movie of Grandpa DIck Fishing, Grey's River

Hi All,

Thought you might like this movie of Grandpa Dick fishing on the Grey's River in Wyoming in June 2004. Believe me this was not rehearsed, it was totally natural!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Riley Mission Farewell June 2011

Hi All,

On Friday we drove to Flagstaff Arizona to attend the farewell of Parker. We had a great visit: we ate dinner at the Red Lobster, went to the Snowflake Arizona Temple and had a lovely Sunday dinner and Saturday breakfast. Ryan and Doris were great hosts! We also had our fair share of laughs. One incident stands out. Dad and I were driving around looking for a court to play tennis. We happened to see a police car sitting by the road so I went over to ask for directions to a court. I tapped on the window, then smacked the window, then started to talk loud to get the "officer's" attention. No movement. I could see him but he was doing nothing. This irritated me so I tapped louder. Finally, a couple of kids came out and said that it was a dummy police officer. Well that takes the cake, doesn't it?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary, May 2011

Hi All,

We had a wonderful get together to celebrate Mom and Dad’s 60th wedding anniversary. All the siblings were there and we had a great time laughing, eating and “tenderizing” (listening to some tender moments).

Friday night we had dinner at Craig and Sandy's house. We had salmon, chicken, mango mouse, etc. We then watched a short movie on Mom and Dad.

Saturday morning we had an amazing breakfast at Sean and Jana’s house with Chef extraordinaire--Ryan. We ate such delectables as blueberry French toast and pancakes with coconut syrup. You couldn’t buy a better breakfast at any restaurant.

After breakfast some folks went golfing at Lakeside in West Bountiful and others went on a walk. By the way, the team made up of “the Colorado Kid (Conrad)” and “the Arizona Cowboy (Ryan) beat “the Utah Yuks (Dad and Craig) by a 2 to 1 score. Many spectators commented that they had not seen such an amazing golf match in decades….

That afternoon we went to a Temple session in the Logan Temple followed by dinner at the Bluebird Restaurant in Logan. The food was excellent and we heard some hilarious stories and some tender expressions of love. All-in-all it was a wonderful event and we thank Kim for organizing it.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sibling Breakfast, March 2011

We had a sibling breakfast this month. Jennifer Lund visited, it was great to catch up on things with her. We had a good time.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Movie of Jean Claude Skiing, March 2011

Hello All,

Below is an actual movie of Dad skiing!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Skiing with Jean-Claude Killy, March 2011

Hi All,

Dad and I went downhill skiing at Powder Mountain on Friday. You would have thought I was skiing with a resurrected Jean Claude Killey. Next time we go I promise a movie of Jean Claude zipping down the mnountain. The weather was great, the grooming was terrific, though a little icy—the snow was excellent. We had a great day.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Denver Trip February 2011

Hi All,

We went to Colorado to visit Conrad and Debbie. We had a lovely trip. Thursday night we watched the movie, “Inception”, which was excellent. Friday we went skiing. It was snowy and cold, but most people had a good time skiing. We even had a featured downhill run from Conrad. That night we went to Pei Wei for dinner.

Saturday we watched the BYU versus San Diego State game and went to an IMAX showing of the Hubble telescope which was great. We had a chicken scallopini dinner together and Joseph, Jayce’s brother, and Cammy joined us. Sunday Jordan and Tim came over for a featured dinner cooked by a Jedi Master, Dad, and his Padawan learner, me.

Monday we had an uneventful trip home.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

February Contribution

Karla's temporary seasonal employment with Extend Health ended the first week in January. I'm on the hunt for work again and I have had disappointments and an offer that I hope will work out for April. I know that anyone who works would love to have some months off and I have been able to tile and paint the bathrooms, spend a week at Snowbird, spend a week in Washington, D.C. to see Damon, drive with Kim to Las Vegas and see family more often,but your confidence wears down as you search for work, have interviews and no job offers. Hopefully, Mediconnect Global will still want me when we return from New Zealand.

We spent Valentine's Day with Mom and Dad. We had soup at the Olive Garden and then went to see a movie, 'The way Back', a true story about WWII POW's in the Siberian Gulag who walked 4,000 miles to freedom in India. Craig introduced me to the book, 'The Long Walk', that this movie is based on.

Ryan continues to resolve his health issues and do missionary work. He has a Feb. 26 baptism date for a young Korean man. Trent will by flying to L.A. to interview for an internship with KPMG on March 4. Kristin resigned from her employed with Morgan & Meredith, the public relations firm that she has worked for these past 3 years. It is challenging to fit in 40 hours of work and take care of Damon, who loves Kristin's attention. Jason will graduate in May from law school. Amelia is writing and editing for Wasatch Life and free lance writing for several other publications. Lily remembers her mother's words and when Amelia was frustrated by removing stickers, Lily told her, "We are big girls and we are patient." GJ i
s glad to work at the USPS hub in SLC. He is called in for any kind of facility or maintenance emergency.

Ryan as a Missionary

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christ Thank you Note December 2010

19 January 2011

To: My beloved children

Re: Christmas 2010

This is a belated but sincere, sincere thank you for making my Christmas/birthday such a joyful experience. I have books to read, CD’s to listen to, restaurants for mother and me to enjoy, kitchen knives that can cut anything, special herbs and oils to enhance food plus enough new tennis balls to last the season.

It is always gratifying to feel your love and know you care.

This Holiday season was special in several ways. First, I had an opportunity to meet Riley and Rachel at Temple Square and afterwards visit over a meal at a local restaurant. Second, mother and I were privileged to be at Karla’s and Norm when Jason blessed his and Kristin’s new baby Damon. And third, we had an after-Christmas visit and sleepover with Kui and Mackie and their four children. And I really bled the birthday thing for all it was worth. Damon’s blessing was followed by a birthday dinner. The next day Amelia, Trent, Kristin, Jason and Karla took mother and me to Dodo’s restaurant for another birthday celebration with gifts that included special cooking items such as Dried Tomato Pesto With Almonds, etc. The following Saturday Craig also had a birthday dinner that included Kim and Sean and Jana and the girls plus Norm and Karla and a young student from the “Y” Norm knew who wasn’t going home for Christmas. The dinner was followed by my being a guest at a BYU basketball game with Craig and Nate and Spencer and Preston.

We also had the privilege of visiting with Kim’s out-of-town children (Cole and Kristi from Nevada, Tim and Jordan from Denver, Teral and Eddie from Milwaukee). (We got to see Conrad and Debbie and their children at Thanksgiving). There was also a Christmas breakfast at Kim’s, a lunch at Craig’s that included a young lady from Albania who Craig and Sandy knew on their mission. That evening mother and I brought out all our Christmas goodies plus some cooked items and hosted a buffet..

New Year’s was the usual snoozer for mother and me. But at l1 p.m. I just happened to tune into PBS in time to see a series, “Pioneers In Television”. It was fabulous! Got to see some of the old-time comedians and variety shows and early late-night hosts. We didn’t get to bed until one a.m.

Anyway, it was a wonderful holiday and I thank you deeply for the part you all played in making it so wonderful.

Much, much love - Dad